Thursday, January 11, 2007

Check out my photo! Click Yes!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Away, please read!

Well, I shall be away for a bit, not sure how often I'll be getting online. I had a MAJOR system failure and it might take me quite some time to get back up and running. Untill then, drop me a line at my OLD-FASSIONED contact info: address, phone, etc... or drop me a line at if you need any of it.

Hope to talk to you all soon.

"I bless you all living things. I bless you in the Infinite Past, I bless you in the Infinite Present, I Bless you in the Infinite Future" -J. Kerouac

"You must BE the Change you wish to see in this World!" -Gandhi

May the Peace and the Love of the Dharma bless you, keep you, and teach you Truth.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the only time...

The Only Time
- T. Reznor

"Im drunk.
And right now Im so in love with you.
And I dont want to think too much about what we should or shouldnt do.
Lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars.
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car.

Nothing quite like the feel of something new.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up in you.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up in you.
Maybe Im all messed up.
This is the only time I really feel alive.
This is the only time I really feel alive.

I swear.
I just found everything I need.
The sweat in your eyes the blood in your veins are listening to me.
Well I want to drink it up and swim in it until I drown.
My moral standing is lying down.

Nothing quite like the feel of something new.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up in you.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up.
Maybe Im all messed up in you.
Maybe Im all messed up.
This is the only time I really feel alive.
This is the only time I really feel alive.

I cant help thinking christ never had it like this"

Saturday, April 01, 2006

contact info

AIM: xLoveIsTheLawx93
Yahoo: Sam_The_Enchanter

e-mail: or

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fond Memories of Horselover Fat

It had been five years since Fat had died. As I sit here listening to Chopin and drown myself in red wine, my thoughts keep drifting back to him. Our conversations together, how we met when I was just a kid - anxious to meet the craziest (and according to some, greatest) writers of our time. Our generation's Kafka, or Hesse.

I used to argue with him that there was too much coincidence between Jim, Jimmi, and Janis all leaving us in a matter of years, Leary in jail, and the White & Black Panther party - as well as the Weathermen - all but totally disbanded. Too much "containment" in too little time.

"Cool it!" Fat used to say. "Just roll us another number and just calm down. You're Paranoia stresses even ME out."

"Damn, Fat. Hearing something like that from someone as Paranoid as YOU really does make me feel a bit nuts, thanks."

"Always glad to help, Slim. Just keep rolling us those numbers, and putting your Paranoia's down in your stories, and you'll turn out just fine."

You know, the usual back and forth, you get the picture. God how I miss those conversations. Him lecturing me on smoking too much, me lecturing him on taking too much snuff. Sharing stories about our felines and our checking out girls - or 'Cat-Watching' as he liked to call it. A hobby we both shared with a passion. Those days are over now, and melancholy settles in. I wonder, though, if he could see the number of bodies so far, would he call me so Paranoid?

Horselover Fat, dead in his fifties. Here we are, at the height of the Regan Era, with one of the greatest champions of the Nixon overthrow now dead for half a decade. Dead, by a stroke and eventual heart failure - the two most common forms of assassination (minus 'Staged Suicide', of course). Ronnie and Gorby are buddies now. Deals with Red China, and blind-eyes turned to the atrocities in Tibet. Selling weapons to Iran and Iraq, so they can kill each other - all to fund our little 'Drug Ventures' in South America.

Fat was right, Stalin opened the door for the conversion of the USSR from Communism to Fascism, and we fell right in line - all under the guise of 'National Security', of course. In a 'Cold War', what's going on isn't nearly as obvious as in a real War, so more things can be 'gotten over' on the public, who don't and can't pay as much attention. No one noticed as the US became a Fascist police state, as Russia did. No one noticed as our "Authorities" turned into the KGB. Like a 'change-over' on a projection reel, no one notices the difference.

Tagore is nowhere to be found, and it seems as if Zebra/Valis/whatever is no longer making contact. Transmissions from Albemuth have been cut off. Any progress that was made seems to be lost. We are once more alone, and without a Prophet, or a Sibyl. No more Divine help for the Republic. Our losses have been great. The King, Kennedy brothers, Malcolm X, and now John Lennon assassinations. The passing - possible assassination - of Horselover Fat. Who, then, are we to look to? From whence shall our Hope and Salvation come? Yes, we can break down the "Black Iron Prison", but not until we're awakened. Who is to open the eyes of the masses?

Certainly not me. I'm neurotic, of a sensitive constitution, and a giant coward to top it all off. Granted, though, Fat didn't exactly ASK for the job, either. He certainly had his share of issues, and phobias. Why does "IT" choose the neurotic, sickly ones? Is it because we are more sensitive, so pick up on the 'Message' better? Or, perhaps, it's because we are "ill", it uses that fact, driving us to feel that we must heal the World to heal Ourselves.

If it is supposed to be me, though, I'm certainly not getting any signals. Perhaps my job, my place, is just to watch for them. To alert others to the possibility that they exist. Whatever it may be, I try my best and hope that Salvation comes before we go too far to be saved, or destroy ourselves.

In a way, I guess `ol Horselover got off easy. He could have never watched us loose so much of what we tried to win back. Even if they hadn't killed him, Fat's ticker couldn't have handled seeing how things have turned out. One thing saddens me, though, about the whole thing. I know how much he was looking forward to Future, the new Millennia. May it be everything he dreamed it would be.

- Zebrahunter Slim
August, 1987

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How fitting... (Attracting attention of the Gods)

"...Man is a strange animal wgeb ge seeks to attract the attention of the Gods, and has tried everything (except, possibly, praying in pig-Latin while standing on his head) to convince them that his plight is terrible and merits their urgent attention. ....Little children do equally peculiar things to attract their earthly father's attention for a while." - pg 261, Sex and Drugs, Robert Anton Wilson

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sponsor your very own 'Starving Artist'....

Help support a Grass-Roots 'Starving Artist/Writer

Remember, every donation not only builds Karma, but the community!
Any little bit counts, even pennies!

Shocking and Appalling

"Google just passed a bill that will allow it to have the largest network available in China for internet surfers. One catch: there is a

GIGANTIC gov't installed filter that prevents any CHinese browser from viewing anything related to Tibet, Buddhism, and Human Rights.

Yep. You heard right.

Granted.....Every country has censored news. I usually watch BBC to find out whats going on in America for that reason. However,everyone knows about the filter except, guess who? CHINA and the people who live there. This is me, crying. They're one step closer

to killing Tibet. Only now they can kill it behind closed doors, while the people in their country have no idea.

This alone, shows you not only how backwards and power hungry China is, but also how easily a major corporation like google can

be suckered into supporting that corruption when a large enough dollar bill is waved in front of their noses.

"Google and China, working hand in hand in the demise of one of the world's most holy places. "

If you want to do something about it, email google. Heres a link.

Its takes millions of people to make anything happen. But it has to start somewhere. "

Sunday, November 13, 2005

add yourself to my Minions!

The Great Cult of Samuel

Forgive them... (written 11/13/05)

Forgive them Father, for the know not what they do.

Wake up
The day is gone
The lonely, cold night has already descended.
You're dreams, they haunt you.
Removing all sense of hope,
Of Self-Confidence.

Promises to suffer through life longer,
For the sake of not hurting someone.
Over and over again.

Endure these taunts and lashings,
Carry this Cross
Back and forth to Golgotha
Over and over again
For the redemption of the sins of others
In an attempt to die with a clean conscience.

Eli, Eli! lama sabachthani?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

New pics

Oh, you can find new pictures of me - like the new icon pic - on either my Subkultures, Myspace, or Xanga page... Just thought I'd add this little update (since all I've done in FOREVER is change to the new picture).